Chakra Balancing
1h 8m
Chakra Balancing - Balance all 7 energy centers of your body - Focus your attention on one chakra that is needing a little extra TLC.
Includes a brief "Intro to Chakras" as well as sequencing that targets all 7 chakras.
1st) Muladhara. Root chakra. Sound “Lam.” Element: earth. Energy: safe, grounded. Action: I am.
2nd) Svadisthana. Sacral chakra. Sound “Vam”. Element: water. Energy: in the flow. Action: I feel.
3rd) Manipura. Solar Plexus chakra. Sound “Ram”. Element: fire. Energy: self-mastery. Action: I do.
4th) Anahata. Heart chakra. Sound “Yam”. Element: air. Energy: love, the drum that needs no drummer. Action: I love.
5th) Vishuddha. Throat chakra. Sound “Ham”. Element: ether. Energy: creativity, expression, purification. Action: I speak.
6th) Ajna. Third eye chakra. Sound “Aum”. Element: transcendent. Energy: mind. Action: I see.
7th) Sahasrara. Crown chakra. Sound: instead of singing, we just listen. Element: nothing, everything, and all that is between and beyond that. Action: I know.