Yoga for Intention-Setting (Sankalpa)
No doubt you've heard some yoga teacher say that you should "set an intention for your practice". :) While I abhor cliche, we SHOULD set an intention each time we unroll our yoga mat. This video was filmed with New Year spirit, a time when so many of us are designing resolutions for ourselves. How do we set an intention or "sankalpa"? How does one do that? This class will help you with that practice; it also has the intention to challenge you physically. ;-) After all, after the storm clears, you will meet the next version of yourself. Why not start strengthening and figuring out who that person will be and become? :)
The Afternoon (Yoga) Delight
The Afternoon Delight! Tee hee. I mean, we have a Rise n Shine...and a Yoga Nightcap. We needed something for the afternoon! ;-) Fun flowy sequence to get you moving in the afternoon, or whenever you enjoy this video! Delight in the movement of your body!
Rise 'n Shine Yoga
Rise 'n Shine, Yogis! :) The sun is shining! This is a great sequence to get you going for the day. Thank you for dragging your body out of bed. Let's face and breathe through another day together!
Get the yuck out! (40 minute Flow)
Sometimes we just need to get the yuck out! Enjoy a 40 minute flow that will help you de-yuck your body, heart, and mind. No peak pose - just you, your breath, some sweat, nice twists, and groovy beats. Level 1, but for all. Great to do during your lunch break! :)