Target Practice - (Great for Level 1 but totally for everyone) Enjoy focused classes that target fundamental needs and areas of the body. Learn the nuts and bolts of yoga with Chaz - Build a strong foundation. Start a conversation with yourself. Stretch. Breathe. Smile. Let joy rise! And then join us for our Yoga Party/ Fun Flow classes! You got this!
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Yoga in the Car
Yoga in the Car -
Yep. That's right. But keep your eyes on the road.
LolBreathing exercises and simple stretches to do while driving, parked, or in traffic.
Post-Workout Yoga Stretches (Lower Body)
Post-Workout Yoga Stretches (Lower Body Day)
After your workout, enjoy a quick sequence to relax your tired legs- Included are yummy hamstring, glute, quad, calves, etc. stretches.
Hello happy "Leg Day"!
Post-Workout Yoga Stretches (Upper Body)
Post-Workout Yoga Stretches (Upper Body)
Nothing quite like a good stretch after a great workout - this "class" is just that - A quick sequence to help you stretch your upper body - deltoids, lats, pecs, triceps, biceps, rhomboids, etc.
Here's to a happy "Arm Day". :)
Post-Op Yoga (Yoga for when you can't do yoga)
Post-Op Yoga (Yoga for when you can't do yoga)
After a recent scar revision procedure on my face, and not being able to really "do" yoga, I realized I should come up with a class for us folks who want to do yoga but technically can't. ha.
Whether it's after a cataract surgery, face lift, even ...
Slow Flow (30 minutes)
Slow Flow (30 minutes) - It's time to sloooooow down. :)
Stretch it out and even work your core a bit, but enjoy practicing at a slower pace - This will also help you slow down and quiet your mind. ;-)
I really enjoyed this class and my body appreciated it. We're always "go, go, go." It's so ni...
Yoga for Hormonal Balance
Yoga for Hormonal Balance.
Hormones. We all have 'em. Depending on our life circumstances or our age, our hormones can get way outta wack. Yoga is especially helpful for balancing our hormones - We focus on downregulation of our nervous system, calming our mind and thus our adrenals, boosting se...
Hands-Free Yoga (Yoga for Wrist and Hand injuries)
Hands-Free Yoga (Yoga for Wrist and Hand Injuries)
Look, Ma! No Hands! :)
This fun practice gives the hands and wrists a break. Whether you're over-chaturanga'd, have a hand injury or carpel tunnel, or just want to avoid bearing weight on your hands for once, this class is for you.
(55 min)
Good morning, Sunshine!
Rise and Shine with me! This is a quick little routine you can do in the morning to wake with new eyes and a fresh perspective. Enjoy simple little breathing exercises and stretches that will get you going and ready to take on a new day! (Some of those movements can even be done while making brea...
In-Flight Yoga
That's right - Yoga for when you're flying. :) Sit back... Relax... And enjoy this sequence that is designed to help you feel more comfortable, calm, and ready to get to wherever your next destination may be. Includes breathing exercises and simple stretches to do right from your airplane seat, ...
After School Special: Unwind (Post-work stretch)
After School Special: Unwind - (Post-work stretch). This little class is specially designed to be the perfect remedy for after work. Let go of the trials and tribulations of the day. Twist out the drama and stress. Unravel the tensed parts of your body. Relax. Breathe. Ease into your evening.
Ri... -
Slo-Mo Flow
Cuz we could all use a little slowing down. Enjoy a slower-paced, core-centric vinyasa. Breathe more, be more present, listen to your intuition, and let your mind enter slow-mo. I loved this practice. Hope you do, too! :)
Yoga for Back and Neck Pain
Your hips don't lie (Hip openers)
Your hips don't lie. That's a true statement! All that you are navigating thru right now and all that you are feeling is stored in your hips. This manifests as tension and stiffness throughout the body. Let's stretch out your hips in an effort to release some or all of that stuff, making space fo...
Core Power!
Strengthen your core (abs) and emPOWER yourself!
Open your heart (heart-opening poses)
The world needs your heart, and it needs it open. Enjoy heart-opening poses as we release some of the armor. Breathe into an open heart. We will open it together.
Get the yuck out! (40 minute Flow)
Sometimes we just need to get the yuck out! Enjoy a 40 minute flow that will help you de-yuck your body, heart, and mind. No peak pose - just you, your breath, some sweat, nice twists, and groovy beats. Level 1, but for all. Great to do during your lunch break! :)
Yoga Nightcap (Yoga Before Bedtime)
Yoga Nightcap... zzzzz... Ample sleep - we all need it... and my guess is that you're not getting nearly enough of it. This video includes a sequence of poses designed to help you wind down from the day... afterward, may you ease into bed and fall asleep soundly and soon. Rest your body and mind ...
Rise 'n Shine Yoga
Rise 'n Shine, Yogis! :) The sun is shining! This is a great sequence to get you going for the day. Thank you for dragging your body out of bed. Let's face and breathe through another day together!
The Afternoon (Yoga) Delight
The Afternoon Delight! Tee hee. I mean, we have a Rise n Shine...and a Yoga Nightcap. We needed something for the afternoon! ;-) Fun flowy sequence to get you moving in the afternoon, or whenever you enjoy this video! Delight in the movement of your body!
Yoga for "Text Neck"
That's right - This is a class for your "Text Neck". What's a "Text Neck," you ask? Well, if you're on your phone nearly as much as most of us are, you have it. That's right. Social media scroller? You got it. Dating apps? You betcha. lol. This class is designed to alleviate the "Text Neck" crunc...
Yoga for Inner Balance
Balance - We all need it, and no doubt you've been feeling off-balance lately. Imbalances always happen when we are tipped too far into the extremes, namely fear, depression, anger, overworking, stress, etc. This class is designed to bring greater balance into not only your body, but your mind an...
Yoga to Change Your Mindset
Yoga to change your mindset - it's the practice of taking a negative experience and finding the positive. We flip the script. If you're feeling something negative, like anger, fear, stress, sadness, etc., think about what the opposite of that feeling is and set the intention to be filled with tha...
Yoga for Intention-Setting (Sankalpa)
No doubt you've heard some yoga teacher say that you should "set an intention for your practice". :) While I abhor cliche, we SHOULD set an intention each time we unroll our yoga mat. This video was filmed with New Year spirit, a time when so many of us are designing resolutions for ourselves. Ho...
Yoga Nightcap II - Another Round! (Yoga for Sleep)
Here's to another round! ;-) Our first Yoga Nightcap video was so popular, and by request, we couldn't help but order ourselves another (now longer) class! ;-)
This "Yoga for Sleep" class includes a 55 min sequence of poses designed to help you wind down from the day and drift into dreamland......